In the Midst of, Clearing the Mist
MIdST LABS is a research and design firm dedicated to advancing the public interest through knowledge sharing and collaboration.
We publicly co-create scalable and customizable frameworks for product and service design and offer research and design consultancy services for the public good.
Our Services
Refining and validating expert-driven insights through data-driven and community-based research.
Our Community
Developing a knowledge base by co-creating frameworks to advance the public interest.
Theory of Change
Starting from experts, we conduct user research, market research and service design activities to ensure that expert identified problems are effectively addressed by their proposed solutions.
Case Studies
While MIdST LABS offers research and design consultancy for specific projects,
we co-create generalizable, scalable design frameworks for the general public. We work alongside collaborators to adapt these value-aligned, interdisciplinary frameworks to contribute to our knowledge base.
Our Approach
Who We Are, Our Guiding Principles,
and Theory of Change.
The Myth of Objectivity
How does the researcher proceed when research cannot be done objectively?
Ready to clear the mist?
We would love to hear from you!
Contact our research and design team to get started on your next project.
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